Partnering with Reliant Therapy, we are the rehabilitation experts. Our facility was recently remodeled to maximize patient independence during Rapid Recovery. In addition to some of the most advanced physical therapy equipment and our state-of-the-art rehab gym, our facility dedicates 27 private rehabilitation suites, each remodeled and complete with its own personal shower.
We help achieve full recoveries, as quickly as possible, by ensuring each resident receives our team’s undivided attention. The process begins with a thorough examination in which our rehabilitation specialists will evaluate your physical strengths and capabilities, pinpoint areas of difficulty or concern, and take the time to learn which obstacles, for you, are most meaningful to overcome. To achieve real goals in real time, our team of expert therapists will formulate a personalized Rapid Rehabilitation Program just for you.

Rehabilitation Features
- Height Adjustable Hydraulic Stairs w/ Convertible Parallel Bars – Balance and stability for exercising legs, practicing incline steps, and patients learning to walk again
- Nustep/Scifit – Safely build strength and endurance when recovering from heart attack, injury, or post-op
- HUR Dynamic Balance Testing & Training System – Latest in fall-risk assessment technology, results-driven balance training, and precise progress calculation
- Fitness Flexibility and Fitness Training Equipment – Extensive variety in state-of-the-art flexibility, stretching, weights, and recovery equipment
- Progressive Resisted Exercise Devices – Gradual increments in weight to build and strengthen weak muscles and locations of injury
- Diathermy E-Stim – Electrical stimulation for reducing pain and improving neuromuscular control
- Vital Stim/EStim/Ultrasound – Noninvasively stimulate muscles to improve swallowing, neuromuscular control, and reduce pain, inflammation, and scar tissue
- Fully Functional Training Kitchen and ADL Equipment – Kitchen for occupational training and Aids to Daily Living (ADL) to facilitate independence and performance of everyday tasks
- Cold and Warm Therapy – Relax muscles, decrease muscle spasms, improve circulation, and reduce pain
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy is only of the many skilled nursing services we offer.
Physical Therapy
Our Physical Therapy team delivers outcomes.
Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapy gets you back to living more independently.